Mindfulness for kids
Photo: Noelia Madiedo
Yesterday I attended a Mindfulness coaching with a group of teachers, therapists and psycologists. These beautiful beings work with kids at Angels Reach Foundation, a therapy and learning space for kids that makes me believe that education revolution is not only possible but happening! and we all are responsible for that as well.
"We are recognized not only for our unique therapy programming supporting children with Autism and related disabilities, but we also provide highly effective, research-based school programs for Regular Education, Learning Disabled, and Gifted/Advanced students which promote critical thinking and leadership skills across all grade levels, Pre-K through High School. Angels Reach Foundation was established in 2004 as the first clinical educational program in south Florida, providing unique and proprietary integrated services for children with a wide range of abilities. " AngelsReach.Org
I was driving in my car thinking about the strength that is needed not only to work with kids but to do it with special ones. I admire that kind of missions, I truly feel so much compassion in my heart for every being that helps kids and families to have health integrity no matter the circumstances.
The group was amazing, so much loving beings that listen and pay attention to what Noelia and I had to share.
"Today AlasdeOrquidea and I were invited to share the wisdom of mindfulness ✨ to a remarkable group of educators of Angels Reach Foundation. Dory Luzardo -a mother and owner of Angels Reach- believes that implementing techniques of mindfulness meditation will be very beneficial to the teachers but at the same time to the children and parents to have a more joyful and peaceful life by dealing with everyday life situations in a an state of awareness. " Noelia Madiedo
Mindfulness changed my life. I would like to say "saved" but it sounds quite dramatic;
Mindfulness saved my mind,
there, no dramatism at all and tons of truth. Boom!
Being present helped me focus, taught me to keep my mind paying attention to what I am actually doing. I wont lie, there is lots of times in which I go into autopilot and even forget about pieces of what I did.
That happens not because you "have the worst memory ever" but because you are not paying attention.
Mindfulness helps me create my dreams. You cannot create anything if you don´t FOCUS. Focusing comes with the gift of manifestation. When you put your mind, energy and physical action into something you imagine, you end up creating it.
Mindfulness is the best tool for emotion observation. Emotions are this little bubbles of energy that the mind unleashes constantly when experiencing external stimulation.
External stimulation means external events that is not for us to control, but to surf and accept. When I resist an external event I get all stressed out and most of the times I am not able to change it. If I apply Mindfulness when inconvenience show up, I get ideas for possible solutions and I start looking at the brightside of the situation which leads me to stop experiencing suffer.
I can keep on writing and listing all the benefits that I myself experienced and that I have witness in others.
For now, the experience of being with this amazing group of healers that allowed us to share with them what we are passionate about, still makes my heart sing.
With all my love,
*I´m so happy to start sharing my writing in english. I thank you for not bleeding from the eyes if I commit a grammatical or spelling horror. Thanks for going along with me.